This week I decided to do something about a long held wish. I bought myself a reasonably priced drone on Temu.

I purchased a 


Long-Endurance S116 Max RC drone with dual Adjustable HD Cameras, Brushless Motors, Optical Flow Positioning, Intelligent Follow Mode, Obstacke Avoidance, HD WiFi Transmission - Quadcopter UAV for Beginners, etc.

I spent a whole £59.98 postage free from China. Now, I know that a lot of people get hung up on buying stuff from there and on Temu, shock/horror, but.

Here's how I view things. It would be a pretty sad world if we always stopped trading around the world simply because we disagree with a Nation's politics. Could it really be true that every, single, Chinese person is a Communist. I don't believe so. Yes. The Chinese government is a repressive regime. Yes it's Communist in name. But is it really? Seems to me that it's pretty capitalistic. I am happy to buy goods from small manufacturers, through Temu and have them shipped to my door, with the postal costs subsidised by the Chinese government. Am I worried about privacy?   If I was that worried, I would not be on the Internet at all. As for the Chinese authorities spying on me - well, take a look at Google or Facebook

Why did I do this? It's for a new project that my daughters, Amber & Tara are working on with me - it's called Eryri.Rocks. The idea is to offer digital publications of fully documented Walks, Scrambles and Climbs in Southern Snowdonia; properly known as "de Eryri". 

This is the bit where I bore you with telling you about myself. I have been a British Mountain Leader since 1995 and have been up just about every hill in the National Park. Now I am going to boast. I have been to the top of Cader Idris by just about every route possible over 1000 times. Other tops have only scraped into the hundreds, such as the mountain referred to as Snowdon. I have walked and climbed in Switzerland, Italy, Slovenia and Greece. I have been to Nepal and the High Himalaya. I had a stroke a few years back which has slowed me down somewhat. I still get out sporadically, but certainly not 2/3 mountains a day like I used too. Amber & Tara are following in my footsteps. In fact, Tara is at college in Dolgellau doing an HNC in Outdoor Ed. She hopes to go on to Lancaster University to do Leadership Development, an area I worked in extensively during my 20 odd years as an Outdoor Instructor. My disciplines are: Kayaking, Canoeing, Mountaineering & Climbing, Personal Development, Leadership Development & Bushcraft.

I am also working on a personal project that is dear to my heart, regarding the origins of the King Arthur stories. You can read some of my crazy theories on this blog. Additional information products will also be available on Gumroad - more about that in later posts.

If you would like to follow the development of these projects and more, why not subscribe to my occasionally published updates.